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Highest Visibility - "In Store Displays" - Poster Advertising Campaigns.
Your posters, usually at least 11" x 17" are placed by us one to a store with the permission of the store owner. The poster is either placed in the store front or in a very visible location within the store. Due to our familiarity with these business districts and individual locations you're assured your posters are displayed in the more visible and high traffic locations.
The amount of locations for store displays vary by area and the type of event you're promoting. Display your posters in Marin, North Peninsula, South Peninsula, San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa.
Please call or email us for amounts and quotes.
Deadline: Please make your reservation about 4 days prior to start of circulation.

Community Bulletin Board Circulation:
Community bulletin boards are found in small businesses such as Cafes, Bookstores, Restaurants, Juice Bars, Libraries, Comunity Centers and College Campuses. Your flyer or poster are hung one to a board by staples or thumb tacks, depending on the preference of the store owner. The routes are serviced twice a month with deadlines for delivery of the posters being the 14th and 30th of each month. The Bay Area is divided into 8 distribution areas. San Francisco, Berkeley/Oakland, Marin, Sonoma, Contra Costa, Tri Valley, South Peninsula and North Peninsula,
For businesses that target the college market, there are campus routes. On these routes your materials are heavily circulated throughout the campuses.

Stack Drop Circulation:
Your brochures, circulars, flyers, catalogs, postcards, samples, take-ones, calendars, etc. , are left in high traffic locations for your potential customers to "take one". The materials can be free-standing or you can provide holders. Rates are based on quantity and the size of the material please call or email us for quotes.

Point of Purchase Displays (PoP's):
Your brochures or rack cards are placed in an easel or some type of display stand and displayed in neighborhood stores such as cafes, bookstores, grocery stores, libraries and more. This option is great for fundraisers and other promotional events. The cost varies based on size of the easel, number of brochures, etc. Please call 510-464-3033 or fill out the "Contact Us" form for a quote.

Hand To Hand
Another alternative to direct mail, and there are many, is the hand to hand distribution of flyers in a target neighborhood, target business district, target business or even a target event. This method can be used by most businesses to contact potential customers.
Let's say you're promoting a yoga or meditation class a distribution in your neighborhood will be a good idea or maybe a distribution at the nearby farmers market.
If you have a restaurant and sales are slow on particular days how about a hand to hand distribution in a particular neighborhood the day before or whenever you think would make sense for you. A vegan restaurant may want to do a distribution at the nearby farmers market.
A theater may use a hand to hand distribution to ramp up slow ticket sales or announce a new show. How about a hand to hand promotion using a postcard with a sticker offering a buy one ticket get one free offer? Or just plain 25% discount when presenting this postcard.
The key here is your message goes right into a potential customers' hands. Why not give it a try?
Cities Covered!
We do this mainly in the cities of Oakland, Berkeley and San Francisco. Depending on availability we may be able to accommodate other cities.

Door To Door
One alternative to direct mail, and there are many, is to use door hangers in a target neighborhood. You can saturate a residential market by "farming" that particular market. This is a technique popular with real estate agents when they seek more sales in one neighborhood after they've actually had some success with selling or renting a neighbor's house.
The advantage to door hangers is that you can saturate a market without actually talking to any of the prospects. Not that you necessarily wouldn't want to talk to them, but only because it's become increasingly hard to catch people at home, and the "do not call list" has made it impossible to prospect by telephone. Everyone just wants to be left alone. They're only interested in talking to others that they call friends, and family. By hanging something on the door, you can gain access to yout target market without actually bothering your prospects.
Usually the best types of products and services to market this way are those products and services that can be used at home because that's where they're going to read your message. However, that doesn't mean other types of products and services can't be marketed this way also.
The key is to determine what works for your business and that, of course, requires test marketing.
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